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Help with pattern #17 by usr1315 15 years ago

Im kinda new to this and i have a couple questions on this patter.

1. How should i start it?
2. How many threads of color??6black and 2others?
3. You knot in rows but the patters on the ends just have bends??what do i do about this?

RE: Help with pattern #17 by Cathelijn 15 years ago

Ok, I'll try to answer your questions.

1. First cut the threads ans start knotting. If you don't understand how to begin, look here:
2. Yes, there are 6 black colors and to others.
3. I don't understand this question, but you just need to follow the pattern. If you've done the pattern one time, just follow it again. And again...

I hope I helped you with this. Byeee!!

RE: Help with pattern #17 by usr1315 15 years ago

thanks i got it


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