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Buggy by Vamp_sparkkle 13 years ago

Hey, sorry to bother you with another bug, thathas probably already been reported, but one of my pictures (it was a pic of pattern #5) got randomly switched to a picture of rainbow candystripe on someone's wrist. I really want that pic back,or atleast the new one deleted, but I can't find the "delete" button. PLEASE help asap!

RE: Buggy by Vamp_sparkkle 13 years ago

And could you please tell me where the delete button is? thanks-so-much

RE: Buggy by Stefan (moderator) 13 years ago

There is no delete button. The pattern photos are practically never deleted - and if they for some reason have to be deleted, ask a moderator (or me).

Stefan, webmaster

RE: Buggy by Vamp_sparkkle 13 years ago

Ok thanks, umm can you please delete the candy stripe pic of mine, well it isn't reaaly mine it just got randomly uploaded, it is of pattern number 5. So please if you can delete it thanks a lot !


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