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HELP! by mdiceon 13 years ago

hey guys im new to this site and im a bit confused! how do you upload/submit a pattern to this site?
thankss!!! :)

RE: HELP! by Stellaphone 13 years ago

Click on the [GENERATE] tab. There are instructions there.

RE: HELP! by friendship12396 13 years ago

To generate a pattern, first click on the Generate Tab. If you make a regular pattern (which should be on the left side of the Generate page), you first have to choose your colors and your setup. To add your colors, choose a few colors from the bottom, and copy and paste the names of the colors you chose into the spaces next to A and B. To make your pattern, you can use four types of knots and their symbols: D=Forward Knot (lowercase) d= Backward Knot R= backward-forward knot and (lowercase) r= forward knot.

to make the pattern, add the knot's symbols into the box that says knots. The numbers on the sides are the number of rows. You may add more rows if you choose.

I hope this helped you a little bit. I wish you all the best of luck, and message me if you need more help....~ friendship12396


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