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lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by usr939 15 years ago

hey I was looking at some pictures on the site and was wondering how Black_ALX makes the beginings of his bracelets. It doesn't look like the buckle. If he or someone else could let me know, that would be awesome.

EXAMPLE: http://www.steffe.se/fb/gallery.php?user=252

RE: lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by jessediamond 15 years ago

which pattern are you looking at? all of these patterns use the buckle, as far as i can tell

RE: lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by Black_ALX 15 years ago

Hey !
I don't really understand what'sd wrong with my the buckle of my bracelets ?

RE: lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by usr1067 15 years ago

we just want to know how to do it

RE: lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by Black_ALX 15 years ago

like it's explain on the site ^^

RE: lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by Joy 14 years ago

it confuses me...i don't get how to do it or where to starton the string...

RE: lOoKiNg FoR uSeR Black_ALX by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

It looks like a chinese staircase knot. Those are very easy to make but works on even threads if you want it done at the beginning, with odd threads you have to wait until the end.

So (with an even thread) decide which colour you want to be the main colour and add right around six inches to it. once you find the centers, while holding the center firmly, you start your chinese staircase, pulling taunt to hold the strings in place, after a few knots on one side of the center point, make some more knots on the other side. Keep doing this until you have reached the length you wanted it to be


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