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knots help by usr1060 15 years ago

hi.. i have a problem with reverse knot.. how can i do it??
p.s sry for my english.

RE: knots help by usr1143 15 years ago

heya to do a reverse knot is a lil more tricky.
to do one complete knot, u hafta tie it twice right?
in the normal one, both times u tie is in same direction (eg right, right).
for the reverse, do the first tying in one direction then the second tying in the other direction.
the string would end up in the same order before u tied it..
follow the 'generate' page, they have instructions there too.
i hope this helps :)

RE: knots help by usr1143 15 years ago

whoops sorry i meant the "learn" tab haha. not "generate"

happy knotting!


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