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Normal pattern help - sea slug design! by minnow 2 months ago

Hello! I'm new to making bracelets and I really want to make one inspired by my favorite sea slug, Chromodoris willani.

I've struggled with the generator for days with no success, so I'm hoping someone can help me out... I've drawn up what I have in mind, with a few variations because I'm not sure what would be doable. I drew wavy lines, but zig zags would also be fine and would probably need fewer strings. It's only 3 colors but I can't figure out how many strings to use or what order to start with.

If anyone is able to make one of these into a normal pattern, or give me some pointers for making it myself, I'd be very grateful!

RE : Normal pattern help - sea slug design! by halokiwi 2 months ago

These look so cool and I think it's definitely doable. I'd love to try. Do you have a preference?

If you want to try it yourself, I recommend you first draw it on graph paper. Rotate the sheet 45° and then use it to draw.

Count how many squares it is from one edge to the other. You need double the amount of strings.

RE : Normal pattern help - sea slug design! by minnow 2 months ago

Thank you! I'm glad it seems doable :) Your suggestion with the graph paper is great, I'll have to try that out!

I think my favorite would be #1 with the joined up lines, but I also like the 3 dots from #3 since they sometimes have those markings on the 'face' - I've just made a new version that combines them:

So I think that would be my ideal version, but really any of them would be amazing!

RE : Normal pattern help - sea slug design! by halokiwi 2 months ago

I came up with a design that has 22 strings and 36 rows. Would that size work?

I sometimes struggle with the generator on here since you can't save your progress. You have to design the pattern all in one go. I'm not sure yet, if I have the patience to put the pattern into the generator. But if you want, I can give you permission to repost the pattern on here, if I post it somewhere else.

RE : Normal pattern help - sea slug design! by minnow 2 months ago

That size sounds good to me! Yes, I could repost it if you're able to put it up somewhere else :> Thank you so much, I'm excited!


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