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Clamps by haha_swim 13 years ago


The only picture for this bracelet has like clamps on it, does anyone know how to do this?
I know what pieces to get but how do you get the strings to stay?

RE: Clamps by Amberlight 13 years ago

LOL, you are looking at my picture :)

In order to get the clamps to stay, you need to use beading wire first. I use silver 26 gauge wire. Wrap the threads with the wire, then cover the wire with the end brackets, then crimp the clamp over the wired threads, and viola, it will hold perfectly.

Have fun!

RE: Clamps by Sareana 13 years ago


these are crimp clamps and have a tooth at the bottom of the crimp to grip thread/ribbon/leather as well as two sides that you bend over your thread to hold it ,..


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