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Summer camp ideas by Jim_Im_a_Doctor 6 years ago

Hello, I work with kids ranging from 1st-7th grade who love making friendship bracelets, but are bored of stripes and chevron patterns, does anyone have any suggestions on new patterns that will be easy on time (something that can be learned in 30 minutes or less) and easy on the kids?

RE: Summer camp ideas by Lumeha 6 years ago

Maybe patterns like plaid (ex : #446 | #324), hearts (#96), or something like #16 or #3 ?

RE: Summer camp ideas by Marjar 6 years ago

Campers love heart bracelets because they mean friendship! Those suggestions are really good and easy to make, Lumeha, they'd be perfect :) #1112 is a good pattern too.

RE: Summer camp ideas by kat606 6 years ago

twister is a fun one. get a kid to hold one end and start twisting the other. move it inwards till its tight enough to start spiraling together. fold it in half and tie end! easy! can use 2 and up of string colors. i did this with preschoolers so yup easy and fast!


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