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Help with Reverse Knots by usr815 15 years ago

Ok, So I am having problems with doing the reverse knots. Can anyone please give tips as to how to do it?? I would greatly appreciate it. I know how to do the basic Left and Right knots just the reverse I am not understanding. =)

RE: Help with Reverse Knots by IPF 15 years ago

Let me try... every basic knot is in fact a double knot. Either right/right, or left/left.
A reverse knot is also a double knot, but depending on which way the arrow shows in the pattern you have to tie
the first time right but the second time to the left; or vice versa: the first time to the left and the second to the right.
Just found a short video on this side, where you can see how those knots are done! Check out http://www.steffe.se/fb/learn.php and scroll down to nr. 3 Tie. :-)
I hope this helps.


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