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Should I try the bracelet buckle? by Laneylu412 14 years ago

Right now, I either braid or twist my ends to bracelets. I have been wondering about Stefans bracelet buckle. Is it worth doing (not that its bad, but is it better than braids or twists?). A problem with braids/twists is that the ends hang down-is it like that on the buckle? Please help

RE: Should I try the bracelet buckle? by Alizandria 14 years ago

The buckle is sturdier, and you can take the bracelet on and off easily. As far as how it hangs I have no idea... :)

RE: Should I try the bracelet buckle? by reemooz 14 years ago

Actually I tried the buckle , and I absloutly luved it !! Before the braclet just used to fall down from my hand , btw when she makes the last hole at the end after u finish the pattern itself , I do it differently , I just complete on with macrame after I make that hole for 2/3 cm and then make a tie and braid the rest , it looks cooler actually .About the "hang down " I dunno what u mean acutally =S If u explain I would gladly answer u back =P

RE: Should I try the bracelet buckle? by Laneylu412 14 years ago

I mean that with the braids, the ends are loose and once in a while flopping around


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