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better version of already rejected pattern by Vallila_1 11 years ago

I asked the moderators to reject a pattern that was already saved to my pending-section because I found some mistakes in it. I know, I know... should have looked at all the different types of knots I used more closely :)
so, here is my problem: I did a better version of my pattern (it still looks the same but I changed the types of some knots) but when I wanted to save it the generator said the pattern already exists... It does exist on my rejected-pattern-page - but of course there are some slight differences...
What can I do? I want to publish my pattern!
Or is there anything wrong with the pattern itself? https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=70245

thx for helping ;)

RE: better version of already rejected pattern by momoMv12 10 years ago

I think the problem is that another person made another version of your rejected pattern and already published it. All that I can tell you is that you can change some details and/or colors before publish it.


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