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Whats the difference between alpha patterns and normal patterns? by InSomNiaC 14 years ago

I just dont get it, do alpha patterns require different knots? What are they exactly? Are the still bracelet patterns? someone just explain the whole concept of an alpha pattern for me plz :P

RE: Whats the difference between alpha patterns and normal patterns? by moushtie 14 years ago

I like to think of alpha patterns like weaving with knots. You have your foreground threads, or your letter colour if you're doing letters. Then you have one very long background thread that you knot in a horizontal line across all the other threads and then back and forth across all the other threads, just like weaving. You can make alpha patterns on a square grid.

"Normal" patterns can be made on a diamond grid, they're the main kinds of patterns posted on this site. There isn't necessarily a background or foreground colour, and many of the patterns have diagonal lines or diamonds or zigzags in. Usually all the threads are a similar length for one of these patterns.


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