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Gauge and Width with Normal Patterns by kssy 11 years ago

This awesome tutorial inspired me to use a small gauge double sided knitting needle in lieu of the safety pin so I can make a pattern wide enough to use as a coaster.

My question is approximately how many strings and rows to use for a 10 cm. x 10 cm. "bracelet." As for who's going to be making all those knots, well... you just let me worry about that ;)

RE: Gauge and Width with Normal Patterns by AutumnRane 11 years ago

my suggestion would be, if you have some bracelets, or other knotted projects already made, measure them and see how many strings they are.
If you don't have any the right size, or none at all, make a guess (like 2 knots =1 centimeter) and make a sample. Just knot a few rows using that many strings, and then measure it.
The way you knot wont be the same as the way someone else knots, with tension and so on, so the only way to really know is to test out your own stuff.

good luck with it, the knitting needle was a great idea.

RE: Gauge and Width with Normal Patterns by kssy 11 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion! I was leaning that way in case of no replies, but I was hoping for an ancient friendship bracelet secret, tee hee. I've made out a few bracelets this month, so at this point it's all about bitin' the bullet, crankin' out that big 'ole pattern and get to knotting.

Thanks again!

RE: Gauge and Width with Normal Patterns by AutumnRane 11 years ago

Lol I wish I had ancient secrets!! Good luck, post a picture!


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