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Looking for tips on length ratio for an alpha by Co2 11 years ago

Mmkay, so I'd like to make an alpha bracelet with some lyrics on it but I've run into a slight calculating issue. I want to make a double lined alpha with kind of mirrored text on it (I'll use the pixie font for the letters -- so pretty much 5 knots high, 3 knots wide + 1 for the spaces between the letters.

How many letters can one fit into an inch of tight tying? I've got 7 inches to work with and not exactly sure where the end will be, or if I'll need to make a triple line instead of a double =/ lol any help would be quite useful ^^,

RE: Looking for tips on length ratio for an alpha by Foz 11 years ago

10 rows of alpha = 2 cm for me. a 66 row alpha will be just a tad over 13 cm long.


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