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RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by BaileyBug 11 years ago

@micheviousbob- Yes I have noticed Prism is coarser and rubbed the skin pretty rough in some places on my fingers, but I noticed Embroidery Floss looks kinda smooth and shiny. I didn't know DMC had a wide range of colors, thanks for telling me that. I like variegated colors. :)

@Socair- Thanks for all the interesting information, I didn't know they were made by the same company.

A big thanks to everyone for helping me figure out the difference and a little more about each one. I have no more questions, but if anyone would like to add some more information I'd be pleased to have it and read it. I apologize for leaving this thread for a while. I was pretty busy with the holidays and having to finish up some bracelets. But again thanks for helping clear everything up. :)

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by Dietcoke 11 years ago

I'm a little bit late (LOL) but if I can still say my opinion ! Refering to me, i defenitly prefer the embroiery! It makes the bracelets look so nice and the knot are perfect ! I relly love this one but due to its price (around 1$ for one coil, and I can divide one coil in 4 string of 60-65 in), but still, these are pretty nice.

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by BaileyBug 11 years ago

Thanks. And it's no problem that you commented a while late. It's nice to hear anyone's input. Even if it comes a little.

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by BeyondBracelets 10 years ago

Old thread but I figured I'd add my opinion.

Prism makes both craft thread AND six stranded floss. Craft thread is pretty much very thin weight yarn giving it the same twisted look while embroidery floss is six individual sewing sized strands twisted together.

Craft thread would always wear and break on me... not to mention I really dislike the "business" of all the twisted threads which stay visible after knotted. I can always tell craft thread vs floss even after knotted. I personally don't like working with it or the result so I stay away.

The floss... well I use cheaper versions as well and other than it being a bit more "rough to the touch" all floss will work the same. It WILL unravel if you fiddle with the edges too much or pull half of the twisted strands leaving the others to get stuck causing it to unravel from the middle. I remedy with a bit of glue at the very tips... pretty good about not having it unravel in the middle.

Anyway... DMC is also my choice as others said. The color choices and the softness are my favorite but I'm not opposed to others. DFN is part of Janlynn company while PRISM is dmc just not the "high quality" of their single skein options.

Hope I helped. Happy knotting. =P

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by BaileyBug 10 years ago


OMG! Your videos are the ones I was watching when I saw how smooth and slick the thread you used looked! Your knots are so swift and the thread you used doesn't look rough and hard to knot with. Thanks for commenting even though it's an old thread.

Also the video I was watching was one where you were making an alpha pattern that had a snowman and a Christmas tree and your thread looked like it slipped into a knot easier than my thread does, because crash thread does wear out and break.

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by BaileyBug 10 years ago

*craft thread

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by BeyondBracelets 10 years ago

Haha... you were watching me huh? That's sort of funny. I'm glad I could help. It is pretty easy to knot with. ^_^

RE: *Please Help!* Craft thread Vs. Embroidery floss (What is the difference between threads?)*Please Help!* by _winic_ 9 years ago

Im so late XD but I just wanted to say that PRISM is a brand by DMC (check on their website) and it s indeed craft thread. I personally like working with craft thread because it is less prone to knot at the bottom. On the other hand I do agree that embroidery floss(the ones with 6 strands) is stronger :)

I think someone already mentioned that Prism is from DMC, oops


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