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help please by Iolah 14 years ago

How can i make first bracelet from here?http://sophie.jolliton.com/bracelets_15092003.jpg

RE: help please by moushtie 14 years ago

Take a look at this thread. https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/forum.php?thread_id=4167

The only difference between this bracelet and that one is that this has 2 threads of each colour, and as such you have to do 2 rows of forward knot before turning it over and doing 2 rows of forward knot, and turning it over again and doing another 2 rows of forward knot.
Then repeat with the next colour.

RE: help please by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

I know how to make that.... Here's a video on Youtube.. that's how I learned. It's not MY video... it's just how I learned...



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