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canadian-japanese pattern by akm16 11 years ago


could anyone make a pattern for me with a maple leaf and a japanese circle (the thing on the japanese flag)

my friend is going back to japan so i want to make her a bracelet with this pattern.

also, could it be red and white?

thanks soooo much,


RE: canadian-japanese pattern by Alicat 11 years ago

If you search for both of those things there are plenty of results that you can put together.

RE: canadian-japanese pattern by akm16 11 years ago

ok where do i search? on google or this website?

RE: canadian-japanese pattern by Alicat 11 years ago

the search bar below "FRIENDSHIPBRACELETS.NET". A lot of the time a pattern you may be looking for already exists. Before making a request please try and find the pattern on your own.


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