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Making my own pattern by theatregirl01 11 years ago

Is there a way to upload a picture and have the pattern designed from there? I want to do one for the victims of the Aurora Colorado Movie Theatre shooting. It is the image of a blue ribbon with the Colorado State Flag at the top and the silhouette of Batman at the bottom. I am not brilliant at making patterns. Just the bracelets :-)

RE: Making my own pattern by Bugchick1238 11 years ago

Ok I might be able to help with that since Colorado is near and dear to my heart(home state). But I would like to make a few changes. So instead of putting the colorado flag and batman at the top and bottom it might make it smaller to make a blue ribbon and add the Colorado state flag into the middle area of the ribbon and put the batman silhouette at the base of the ribbon. Please let me know if this will work. If it does tell me string count. :)

RE: Making my own pattern by theatregirl01 11 years ago

Thank you! I think we are thinking of the same image. Here is a link to what I am thinking of:


As far as thread count goes I am thinking at least 10 (2 for each color) but it may be more because of the black. Then again never having done this before I am not really sure :-) What part of Colorado are you from? I am in Denver.
Thank you again,

RE: Making my own pattern by Bugchick1238 11 years ago

I'm from Littleton

RE: Making my own pattern by Bugchick1238 11 years ago

I'm sorry it wouldn't let me save it!!! You could always use a word processing program and place a grid over top.

RE: Making my own pattern by theatregirl01 11 years ago

I will try that. Thank you so much for your help!


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