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rebel flag pattern please? by spanky2013 12 years ago

My husband wants me to make him a bracelet with the rebel flag and his name on it too if anyone can help i will love yall forever lol. Thanks

RE: rebel flag pattern please? by Shugar 12 years ago

How big do you want it?

RE: rebel flag pattern please? by spanky2013 12 years ago

Like how many strings. Um i like doin 10 because its a good size bracelet but however many needed would b ok. If possible id like to keep it closeto 10 or 15

RE: rebel flag pattern please? by Alicat 12 years ago

If you put "rebel flag" into the search bar at the top there are some already made. There are some larger and smaller. Check them out and see if you like any of those first :)


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