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Improving Suggestions by Cyrus 12 years ago

Hi there, i'm almost totally new to the bracelet-community, but i already enjoy it very much. Although the Generators are really working well and i found nothing comparable around the net, i still have some suggestions. Please consider them and let me know about the result.
- be able to load existing patterns in the generator to change the colors (would help a newbie like me :-)
- be able to save a pdf or jpeg of the pattern ( i always do bad screenshots)
- let the generator tell me the rought lenght of each string (sure it depends on the thickness also)
- much bigger points to chose the colors
- a color palett that is always present so i don't need to get a new window.
- also the possibility to load pattern in the generator, do adjust them
- perhaps a 3D visualisation of the pattern :-)

Thanks very much for all you have done so far. I think this is a great site.

RE: Improving Suggestions by SunnyAnnie 12 years ago

Hey :) for your suggestion to be able to save a jpeg I have a solution for you.
For one thing if you want to save finished patterns from the site, just click on the pattern, a new tab will open with it. Then right- click on it and choose save image as.. .

If you want to save an unfinished pattern: there is a programme called "screen grab pro", it is totally free and lets you do screenshots from chosen areas. you can draw with your mouse a frame and this will be saved in the clipboard. Then there is the possibility in the programme to save as jpeg or bmp.
Just for proposal. I would always love to save the unfished patterns but until it is realized on this page, it might help :).


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