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Christmas-#3391 by Iolah 14 years ago

Can somebody make pattern #3391 with less than 12 threads or a christmas pattern with less theards. This could be a good Christmas present ;).
Thank you anticipate;)) and MerRy Christmas!

RE: Christmas-#3391 by Frosty 14 years ago

Here you go


Merry Christmas :)

RE: Christmas-#3391 by Iolah 14 years ago

thank you so much! ypu was a great help and you can post this pattern because is cool!

RE: Christmas-#3391 by Iolah 14 years ago

can you also help me with another pattern for christmas with less than 12 threads? ;)

RE: Christmas-#3391 by Frosty 14 years ago

What did you want. I'm not very good at making smaller patterns but I'll have a go. They often take hours and I reject more than I put up. However I don't mind trying when I get the time but I need to know what you would like.

Unfortunately it's bedtime for me now and then I'm going out early tomorrow morning so wont bw back till lunch time.

RE: Christmas-#3391 by Iolah 14 years ago

Thank you a lot for the help, and I understand you.I'm not from USA and now at me is lunch time. Excuse me if I disturbed you. Can you make a pattern with globes and stars or can you resize the pattern nr #3331?

RE: Christmas-#3391 by moushtie 14 years ago


11 threads good enough?

RE: Christmas-#3391 by Iolah 14 years ago

thank you, moushtie, but i can't see it. yes, 11 threads are good enough,but have you an explain why my computer doesn't recognize it, can you put the bracelet in classic generator?;)

RE: Christmas-#3391 by moushtie 14 years ago


RE: Christmas-#3391 by moushtie 14 years ago



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