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saving patterns to come back to later by pinkninja4eva 12 years ago

hello, i wanted to generate a fairly big pattern, but i don't think that i'm going to have enough time to finish it all at once. is there any way i could save the part i have done and come back to it later to finish?

thanks in advance!

RE: saving patterns to come back to later by Bubbleblower 12 years ago

No I don't think so

RE: saving patterns to come back to later by Mihr 12 years ago

save a screenshot?
it might be a bit more work to "do it all over again" but you still have it there to continue on :)

RE: saving patterns to come back to later by ririttt 12 years ago

Good idea, Mihr:)

RE: saving patterns to come back to later by pinkninja4eva 12 years ago

yeah ill probably do that mihr, thanks!


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