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I'm stupid by funtown 14 years ago

Heeeellllp when I do my bracelet, it ends up all being holed ( opisite of the photo)!

RE: I'm stupid by moushtie 14 years ago

All I can say is, take care, follow the pattern a line at a time, and make sure each knot is properly pulled tight up to meet the other knots.
Fixing the top of your bracelet to something and holding the thread you're knotting onto taut will help with being able to pull your knot right up into place.

RE: I'm stupid by funtown 14 years ago

Hey that might work. Thank you

RE: I'm stupid by AmandaWasHere 14 years ago

No, you're not stupid. This used to happen to me all the time, and it still happens to me now. All you need to do is tie the knots tighter. You should be holding your threads down with a clipboard, masking tape... anything, really. If you aren't doing that already, you might want to start. Also, when using masking tape or a clipboard (or whatever you are using to hold it down), you should have it on a flat surface, not on your lap or anything.


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