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Pattern Improvements by Debbycakes 12 years ago

I have submitted two regular patterns so far, and both have been rejected. I have read the rejection section of the terms or use three times, but still have absolutely no idea what I am doing wrong, so I can't find a way to improve on my patterns.

I can maybe guess that my first pattern was too simple, but after my second pattern I am clueless (and I don't copy patterns either).
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions that may help so I can improve?

RE: Pattern Improvements by Carrie 12 years ago

For both, the moderators voted to for them. However, if you post decent pictures of the finished bracelets, we would be happy to reconsider accepting them.

RE: Pattern Improvements by Debbycakes 12 years ago

Wait, the mods vote on whether they like it or not? How do I improve then??

*gets a little exasperated*

RE: Pattern Improvements by Carrie 12 years ago

Yes, we vote on how creative and generally unique a pattern is, and if we think someone will make it.

RE: Pattern Improvements by Debbycakes 12 years ago

Wow...okay then. I guess I will try to add more creativity next time. Hopefully that will help...


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