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Adding SImilar Patterns by Debbycakes 12 years ago

I made my first alpha pattern and it got published. I want to add a pattern to the "Similar Pattern" category, but when I try I get a message that says:

[I]Please write the similar patterns on the correct form, for example "1,2,3"[I]

What exactly am I supposed to put in the text box so it will be accepted?

RE: Adding SImilar Patterns by Matina 12 years ago

I don't know but congrats, what does it look like, ya know I'll look.. My first one got published too... But I didn't have that problem, cause I'm kinda lost on what it is, sorry

RE: Adding SImilar Patterns by Foz 12 years ago

just put the number without the A in front of it, and it should work :-)

RE: Adding SImilar Patterns by Debbycakes 12 years ago

Thanks Foz, that helped :)


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