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My patterns got turned left & upside down by Cool_Cat 12 years ago

Hi, it happened twice already. I created several patterns but for some reason someone (moderator?) mistakenly turned them left. You can't see a pic or design like that. It just doesn't make sense. You can reject it if you want, but don't turn it upside down & destroy image. This is not how I made them. If you publish them please turn them 45" left

RE: My patterns got turned left & upside down by Carrie 12 years ago

Sorry, but we have to turn them so that the patterns are horizontal.

RE: My patterns got turned left & upside down by Cool_Cat 12 years ago

But I see lots of patterns that are vertical. So is there any reason you turn my patterns and not others? Maybe I can do less size, different dimension etc. I really don't want them look the way that someone made a mistake.

RE: My patterns got turned left & upside down by lorie 12 years ago

It happened to me too, it's okay, no moderator really wanted to turn them. It was just a mistake. It happens...

RE: My patterns got turned left & upside down by ririttt 12 years ago

The patterns are deliberately turned so people have the choice of making the image horizontal or vertical.

RE: My patterns got turned left & upside down by Carrie 12 years ago

Some moderators follow the rule, some don't. I always do because if someone is looking for patterns to make that are a certain number of strings, they can pass by that pattern because it's too big in width.


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