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Random flash question by Jeckle 12 years ago

I was wondering, does the kumihimo generator run on flash too? I know the normal generator does. Most of the time I access this site using my iPad since my laptop decided to die. The name generator works perfectly for me, the alpha generator works for thin bracelets (the left-right scroll bar doesn't work), the normal generator is a blank page, and the kumihimo generator will let me change the number of strings, but not the colors.
Just curious :)

RE: Random flash question by lorie 12 years ago

You know... kumihimo generator is a little strange because it has lots of bugs at the PC because of the browser. I have Google Chrome 16 and I still encounter bugs, so I don't think that will be open to work so good for you on your iPad - Safari browser.

Hope you'll solve this problem( with the laptop )



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