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desing on paper by anne3211 14 years ago

okay....i have just a squar piece of paper and u i need to desings bracelets on it...and i looked through the bracelets and saw that the desings were on a slant wen desinged..ugh its complicated! so.. what kind of paper is best for designing bracelets on?

RE: desing on paper by Joy 14 years ago

basically u take a piece of grid paper then tilt it so the squares r diamonds...nvr tried it myslefsomeone jsut told me that is how u do it..

RE: desing on paper by K8e92 14 years ago

or if you are making an alphabet pattern you can make one with grid paper that way.

RE: desing on paper by Joy 14 years ago

that too.

RE: desing on paper by Acid 14 years ago

If your planning on designing 121 patterns then this paper helps a lot, it does for me. It's already on the slant and no need to tilt paper :)


Hope this helps. You can specify size and measurements and print it out also :)

RE: desing on paper by anne3211 14 years ago

yeah..cuz like in class i have this thing with lots of squared like paper and i use it to design on it in class it just is kind of hard to tilt it allways...its kinda annoying

RE: desing on paper by Acid 14 years ago

Yeah the tilting is annoying but that link above will make the paper so there won't be any need to tilt :)

RE: desing on paper by anne3211 14 years ago

thanks for the help =P

RE: desing on paper by Acid 14 years ago

No worries :)


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