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how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by Harleydragon 12 years ago

Hi I was wondering if anyone can tell me I'm too lazy to do alot of search lol sorry . I was trying to figure out how can I change color that I want to use when picking any pattern that has been publish in this site . like for example I want to make pattern # 46221 but don't want to use colors that aleady on pattern . how do I use this pattern and change the colors that I want to use instead of the one that is already there any advice or is there any way can be changing colors ?????? Please help and hope moderate of this site can add something to it to make our tools more easier than ever (wishful thinking on my part I guess) Thank you anyone reading my notes and hope I get answer on how to do it .

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by Jeckle 12 years ago

Lol at least you're honest about your laziness. :D
You just make it with the existing pattern and use your own colors. You can't make another pattern that is exactly the same just with different colors...we'd have a zillion on here by now. :) For example, say you wanted to make #46221 the same but red instead of black and brown instead of white. Just follow the pattern, keeping in mind that whenever the pattern shows a black string yours is red, and when it show white, yours is brown. Make sense?

I suppose if you REALLY want the pattern to look at with your own colors you could copy the image, paste it into MS Paint, and change the colors manually...but that seems like a lot more work than my earlier suggestion. :)

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by Plastic_Toast 12 years ago

That's what most people do. Just literally change them and keep in mind what you're doing. ;)

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by rixir 12 years ago

I'm too lazy to change the colours on the image - so my trick:

use your brain to get the colours sorted for the beginning. if the pattern goes brown red grey - and you want to use red orange yellow - then remember that for the initial ordering of the strands.

then, open the pattern up in a paint program - do your first knot - then dab on the pattern signifying you've done that knot. and then go to the next - and so on and so forth. I usually use the grey scale options. keeps me less confused =). eventually with repetition you remember which direction to do the knot and don't even need a pattern. =). so when you remember the pattern - you can do it while watching a movie or something. ^^,

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by SunnyAnnie 12 years ago

Another trick: Take your pattern and change it to gray- scale (there is a button on the upper side) then print it in gray and color it manually with color pencils. This is what I often do, because I print the pattern usually, so it is no time waste... ;)

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by gerbilsrawesome 12 years ago

Yeah, I do the same thing, SunnyAnnie! haha I almost always print out my patterns and the grayscale doesn't come out very clear so I just color in the strings! :P

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by Harleydragon 12 years ago

Thank you SunnyAnnie I never thought of using gray pattern and color the paper pattern what color I want to use now that is perfect idea .....why didn't I think of it before (I must be getting older argh) lol . And yes Jeckle I have done that too but sometime I get mix up and had to redo few times to get it right . That is the main reason why I want to be able to do right colors so I dont' confuse myself lol. I want to thank everyone who reply to my message and hope to help others that are in need to know how to use colors they want . Again thank you all

RE: how do I change colors in any pattern that I choose ?? by SunnyAnnie 12 years ago

you are welcome :)


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