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Keyring help by catgir 14 years ago

ok I saw from one of the earlier posts how to get thread on a keyring. One pattern bothers me about there is uneven threads (colors) on the penguin one https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=1057

I am wondering how do you get it to work with uneven amounts of thread when you loop the thread for the start?

RE: Keyring help by moushtie 14 years ago

Surely you just find the middle of each thread before you tie it onto the keyring? Am I missing something here?

RE: Keyring help by catgir 14 years ago

but don't you get two equal pieces of thread of that color when you do that? The black alone is 5 strands.How do you get the 5th strand to work?

RE: Keyring help by moushtie 14 years ago

So you're using 2 long lengths bent in half for 4 threads and then a half length 5th strand?

I would tie the 5th strand at one end to the keyring... then knot around both your working strand and the short length for a while.. I'm right in thinking you would be tying the background colour onto it for a few knots? That would secure the loose strand until you feel you can trim it without it unravelling.

RE: Keyring help by Cathelijn 14 years ago

I would just knot the one thread over the keyring and start knotting, and just cut it of. Not the knot, but the other end of the thread. And then put some glue on it.


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