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RE: 36 braclets by iLeya 12 years ago

you are super determined, its great to hear the people are like that, sometimes i wish i was, i think i might do something like that some day, but work is taking over my spare time, although i plan on doing all the my little pony patterns, thats about as determined as ill get :P i wish you luck! please take a picture of the finished projects!!!!

RE: 36 braclets by iLeya 12 years ago

awe!!! your dad threw them out? oh dear, and your finger broke! thats awful!!!! i hope your finger heals quick so that you can continue to be determined. for my bracelet stuff, i have a bag for it all, in that bag is a big organizer box of string and other small things, and a small organizer box for my beads and scissors and tape, and a small box for my short threads which are for my alpha bracelets, and my binder of patterns, and my two clip board. i have it so that i dont get over whelmed when looking for things in it, and so that my mother doesnt feel tempted to throw the small stuff out :P all though she is quite aware that the entire thing costs about $100 all together :P (sorry for blabbing, i should just do a tutorial of keeping things organized or put pictures on a tutorial for organizing your stuff :P

RE: 36 braclets by michalebieber 12 years ago

Its a great fun...i use to do the same in my school days.But i use to make one bracelet for a month.And next in the next month.It was like one for jaunary,one for febuary.....and so on!!!!

RE: 36 braclets by michalebieber 12 years ago

I was also very much passionate about in my school days.it was really fun......i use to make different style and colours and gift them to my friends.

RE: 36 braclets by BajaBear 12 years ago

Sounds amazing! What week are you on now?


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