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desperatley need help :( by lisax04 14 years ago

i need some serious help.
my aunt was just diagnosed with breast cancer, so i want to make her a bracelet. number 2960 is the pattern,but i'm kind of new here so i dont really know how to read it?

can anyone explain to me a simpler way to make it? i really would like to make this for her : (

RE: desperatley need help :( by artjunkie 14 years ago

if you go to the bottom of the page, you will see 4 knots,they each have a certian arrow to it, you look back up at the design and you will see each circle has a certain arrow, you do the knot that matches the arrow.i hope ur aunt gets well.

RE: desperatley need help :( by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

are you referring to 2860? the ribbon pattern? I had trouble at first but what u can do if possible i took old thread scraps and did trial runs if u need to. its one of those things where it's trial and error

RE: desperatley need help :( by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

I am going to post a tutorial for the pattern 2860 it it helps

RE: desperatley need help :( by lisax04 14 years ago

thank you. i tried to read the pattern, but the colors and the arrows just make no sense to me at all for some reason.

yes, a tutorial would help. or maybe a video? anything, i just would really love to make this for her!

RE: desperatley need help :( by GypsyAngel 14 years ago


hope my tutorial helps hun

RE: desperatley need help :( by horsingaround 14 years ago

here maybe this will help also,
the strings are set up like this,
row 1: bk, fk,bk,fk
row 2: (leave out two end strings every other row) fk,fk,fk
row 3: bk,fk,bk,fk
row 4: fk,fk,fk
row 5: fk,bk,fk,bk
row 6:bk,fk,fk
row 7:fk,fk,fk,,bk
row 8:fk, fk/bk, fk
I will post a video if this does not help.
I hope that your aunt gets better! (can they fix breast cancer? isnt that like a really big thing now?)

RE: desperatley need help :( by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

it's not really fixable per say but you can be in remission.

RE: desperatley need help :( by K8e92 14 years ago

they can "fix" it by removing the cancerous tissue but that doesnt mean it wont come back.

RE: desperatley need help :( by GypsyAngel 14 years ago

exactally, my aunt is 2 yrs in remission and my other aunt had it as well 11 yrs in remission and a masactomy


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