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Total Newbie. by 2cool4u 14 years ago

I am a newbie to all this knotting stuff. And when I say newbie, I mean all i can make is that simple stripe pattern. Pathetic. I am having so much trouble starting the arrows pattern, but I know that is unreasonable. When you tie the strings is it supposed to be disorderly?

RE: Total Newbie. by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

if you have single knot all the strings to make a starting point then yes it will be an array of twisted strands, but after the third or fourth lines, it will fix itself and become a chevron pattern. Just keep tying the right strings together and you'll have a bracelet in no time

RE: Total Newbie. by cassasaur 14 years ago

I know how you feel. I just started making bracelets about a month ago and to this day, I can not make the chevron (arrow) bracelet. I'm terrible at it lol but I can make pretty much anything else now. Don't think only knowing how to do the stripe pattern is pathetic. It's just the beginning.

RE: Total Newbie. by Kaisui_Izumi 14 years ago

I actually could make the chevron but I can't do the stripes because they keep curling on me

RE: Total Newbie. by K8e92 14 years ago

if you are having troube with the different knows, Heathers site really helped me learn them. here is a Link: http://hbernb.atspace.com/knots101.html also at this site there are a lot of patterns (they are alpha not 1212) so those have a different approach. its also good to know how to do those. (that is how i started) and when i found this site i already knew how to to the stripe and chevron and some of the patterns from heathers. but you should be able to catch on really quickly like i did. i went from stripes to pattern #649 in 1 week (not literally but you know what i mean).

RE: Total Newbie. by K8e92 14 years ago

haha i wrote "knows" instead of Knots. sorry

RE: Total Newbie. by cassasaur 14 years ago

I understand that. I'm just saying it's not pathetic. :]

RE: Total Newbie. by horsingaround 14 years ago

Make sure when you tie the knots the correct color is showing when it is tightened. If you pull one string it can change the color just make sure you pull it tight. I call this "popping the knot" but thats just me :)


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