
was donated
Marking photo's by Acid 12 years ago

It has come to light that web sites and such alike have been stealing my photo's and other photo's from everyone without permission and I have a possible suggestion and a question.

Is there anyway we could watermark all uploaded photo's onto here? and Is there anyway I could replace all my photo's but still keep the comments etc?

RE: Marking photo's by FatnSassy 12 years ago

It would be nice if when we uploaded a photo it would automatically be watermarked with "friendship-bracelets.net".

RE: Marking photo's by FatnSassy 12 years ago

How did you happen upon your photos on other sites?

RE: Marking photo's by meg14 12 years ago

I know that I haven't been on the site that long, but I don't think that it's possible to replace the same photo with all of the comments that you have already uploaded. There might be a way to watermark the photos that are uploaded onto the site already.

RE: Marking photo's by karxalc 12 years ago

I'm not sure if I want "friendship-bracelets.net" on my photos.

@fatnsassy I searched one of my images on google image search and found a page with lots of photos from this site.

[IMG=http://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuzFvEEQpT-FuoOtxhDy31s2H9j9IyEXcHB3FNLhCIp6Z95htgDegU8-L1qOR110UVDbB9vetfh10SF8Pk1ZHSYE7GYOS_1-2FpgBnz4i_1FP6_1uRbmeJPiyytueUs-hU8OSTeDQYBbkOosqKJ-oz2GhnJKmkYvIupd7pdb5vGHZ3zO7yvLQ5m9ZgQB7ip8sZDWvwRDLxN167HB2nzmAh3i0FOD2k_1lTtvWjZNRHw8OEH9ezDnwOf8-LJRHpzRwUKx6w_1RIqm-69lL8_10nwNbBqVWsqH7NrQo1vMUBNHMBWK8COnM8mlKA4h1nH9HcdydC88wlDE2KXU7STPklErouo4C_1jd95ooB7LzOMHkqfarMsWbo7voNReiB7y38dEGYMXDUnGk1frUi5Cnv9iV7HIBL_14TlmLYAyGQrMQJAxHV5wqpUEsSx7JVnhMJk6jEMNY61-NW7lItf0UYtIHvcmNtgCE_1-WZLBwcT3ffIQ39BnJA8kQ8wxyPDlQ_1y9334HGI-rXG3IgVcYKGL-T7T0tTB05mBl97xW33vseyR5UYXIIDrTT95nt5NvZmGCzxIM2XdYuJS7iQ8mqGW7z4UPUE-vi9gfc6ggbn5roNunIcxiV5D9sjJRWvbPoD7o9O-Wr5m7Qx1p64H6jHNLc6JPqWsX8N_1RPfH-Th5d2r_1eMKP_1eZhgGJIUhb5Xv9a2_1vSsyAheBE-E2-1nv2swtxGECpYoSzEBB3MjGCTHl6uFhAwF04VDG8gdZdla33GHOOjw-jSF8wlHxRoybxLu-lRjBBnu98dkwEqkI7ExtPBcCKdTdROgqS86UH_163XzNJbi_1L2aL0Qm0kg4DrP03IEXGSMwth-MTQq5oxz9KUCcV_1P65eKXH_1qL315XpVVadMHb6kxshUfUSnnhs7RF7UxtFRn00YQwD9vWeEbE9Kekr2ATxCuO87FtCIW4zq8itijoAejuD50YKT0gwyzRZrQ2fSdhtR9Nb9gbV-1ipGx2lqe7ZNdiwsRmW9PX24Pncy8oNI0ZPsxkj8C7j68ptXpr4vY8s69Oj16oYIDXIfbG9-49PzqBtNMtUZ4kyb6cBFatTP73ZTpNWp4XWHEeJaOlltgIGLvqnlZwGuJc5fUrYpaecKpvZ8cDVuZUr0voPrUVx69ubPJQW_1k321yqlx2WrkcjyKfLW4-iIW-_1bWrANvQWm4S0fmSqQvBfWt3WT-cK2Hqy_1fQk60R4c046MShHqZeKYnF_1W9mHd_1SumX66ISCAVyniE4R1_1vDUDJKETXf9j4uOKutLMw4wcsRVm1vbUOtQ8wYhbJA&num=10&hl=en&bih=655&biw=1280]These are the search results[/IMG], not sure if you can see it (link it's super long :P)

RE: Marking photo's by karxalc 12 years ago

buh it didn't work

RE: Marking photo's by karxalc 12 years ago

lol I copied img instead of url
let's try now ^^

RE: Marking photo's by Acid 12 years ago

I just found another 4 sites using my photo's I'm coming close to wiping the whole lot off right now.

RE: Marking photo's by FatnSassy 12 years ago

Yeah, I know...that was just a passing thought. I don't think I'd want it on all of mine, either. I'm content with adding my own "signature" to my photos anyway. I just think it's pretty brazen to steal photos of someone else's hard work and claim it as your own.

RE: Marking photo's by FatnSassy 12 years ago

Ugh! That's just wrong, in every sense of the word!


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