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Keeping white floss clean by Unbelieber 13 years ago

How in the world do you guys keep your white floss/craft thread so clean?? I hate how it starts of white and is gray by the end of the bracelet. I feel that my hands are clean but I guess not. I just need to not touch anything once I start working with it lol.

RE: Keeping white floss clean by Clover410 13 years ago

I usually wash my hands right before I work with white thread, just b/c I always seem to have pencil or dirt on them somehow lol. Also, the quality of thread kinda matters too, since sometimes colors will rub off on the white if they're not dyed well. :)

RE: Keeping white floss clean by T_H_R_E_A_D_E_D 13 years ago

sometimes if you are using a clipboard and you print the pattern and stick it on, the ink rubs off onto the threaad. I cover my clipboard with a plastic wallet and clip the printed sheet under the wallet I find it helps alot hope it helps!

RE: Keeping white floss clean by Unbelieber 13 years ago

@Clover410 yeah I just need to wash my hands right before I start and not touch anything while I'm working. I have a tendency to get distracted and when I come back I don't think about my hands and keep working. @T_H_R_E_A_D_E_D I do use a clipboard but I always put a piece of clean printing paper over it since I caught my clipboard on fire :p thanks guys :)

RE: Keeping white floss clean by Acid 13 years ago

For me I also wash my hands and i'll do this for a good minute to make sure along with the wrists and if it's a huge bracelet my arms as the strings are all over me, and Clover410 is definitely correct. Thread quality is also a facture but for me I wash my hands and when I'm having a break, I either put my unfinished bracelet in a plastic wallet or do what i did, buy a brand new pencil case and specifically use it for thread/unfinished bracelets. I've never had a pen or pencil in this pencil case, only threads, clips and hand bang scissors :)

I also have a bull dog clip and i clip mine onto a book rather than a folder.

RE: Keeping white floss clean by RockePloeger 12 years ago

Most points have been covered:
- Keep your hands clean
- Keep your bracelet covered when you are not knotting
- depending on the thread you use you can wash it afterwards to try and get some dirt out
- Keep all printed material away from your threads.

RE: Keeping white floss clean by twilightlvr1234 12 years ago

@unbelieber how in the world did you catch your clipboard on fire?!?!?! lol i hope that never happens to me.... :)


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