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help with reading patterns! by jordan 14 years ago

hi this is my first time using this site and im kind of confused. i dont really get how to read the patterns. do i just go straight across the line of threads? please help im so confused!

RE: help with reading patterns! by bandgeek3 14 years ago

Yes, you read across the paper as if you were reading a book. What usually helps is if you print out the pattern and fold it up so you can only see one row.

RE: help with reading patterns! by slpoptart 14 years ago

you read across from left to right and when it comes to knots, you just tie a knot that the arrow is pointing in (ex: if it if pointing to the right, you would make a forward knot; you have to break up the arrow for the ones that are backward-forward or forward-backward)
lol...i hope this made sense...its how i learned how to read it


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