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Removable ending possibilities(: by Brandi 13 years ago

So i already know how to do a removable knot type thing, but i was wondering if anyone knew of any cool ways to close a bracelet that doesnt involve any kind of clasp, and can be removed? if this doesnt make sense just message me about it : but ill watch any videos you find or make on different ending possibilities (: thanks!

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by Unbelieber 13 years ago

A lot of people start with a loop and put a button at the end of their bracelets

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by Brandi 13 years ago

How do they tie the button on?

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by Rachel_D 13 years ago

I'm not sure how they tie the button on, but check out this tutorial:
This is a great way to make an adjustable bracelet!

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by Unbelieber 13 years ago

Oh wow sorry bnicole94. I would have answered you if I got a notification when you posted

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by Brandi 13 years ago

Haha its okay (:

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by fieldhockey8 13 years ago

also a simple way for people who dont seem the type for fancy stuff ;) is just to braid the ends for about...ehhh about two inches each? you can tie it on with a knot, and undo it pretty easily. if you braid it tightly. this is what ive been doing recently, and it works. also this way you know it'll fit them (pretty much) and they can adjust it. hope this helped :)

RE: Removable ending possibilities(: by Dodadoo 12 years ago

I didn't knwo other people put a button at the end.
I do it that way the bad thing is you can't really adjust the size


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