
was donated
Donating by HarleyMama23 12 years ago

I really think that if all of the members on this site donated at least $10 we would be able to help make this website a lot better. For instance being able to upload larger size pictures and not have to resize them and make them look smaller. I'm not sure how long this site has been in operation, but I know that there has to be thousands of people that use this site daily.

RE: Donating by Carrie 12 years ago

I believe there's around 32,000 members. As far as I know, the site gets updated based on Stefan's busy schedule, the donations help with the web hotel fees and such. By all means donate, just don't expect the site to improve based on how much is donated. Also, if you use the flash uploader, images don't usually need to be resized.

RE: Donating by HarleyMama23 12 years ago

Thanks for the advice Carrie, where can I find the flash uploader?

RE: Donating by HarleyMama23 12 years ago

can't delete my last comment but found the flash uploader, lol


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