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help with pixelating by Honey02 13 years ago

Hey guys,

I'm new to this site and would like to make my own patterns, but it turns out I really suck at it. Is there an easy way to pixelate pictures, without having to try and draw them yourself?


RE: help with pixelating by kcdillaz 13 years ago

I usually draw my pattern on graph paper and decide from there which knot i'll make which color but you can also print something off onto graph paper and go straight from that to the generator. Sometimes I use Paint Shop Pro. There's a setting that lets you put a grid on your pic but that's best for really detailed pics

RE: help with pixelating by samiam2714 13 years ago

Try uploading you picture here you can change the width/ length then I just transfer it over to the generator. Its really easy like that. For alphas at least.


RE: help with pixelating by Honey02 13 years ago

Great! thanks guys!!

RE: help with pixelating by Honey02 13 years ago

Great! thanks guys!!


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