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HELP! does anybody know how to make these or what these are called? by cbrucey 13 years ago

there are two different kinds of bracelets that i would really like to learn how to make, but i can't find the name of them or if there is a tutorial on here or out there already. please help. thank you.

1st design:
it looks like it's a chinese finger trap type of design. that's what i am looking for. something kind of like the last one. i don't know what it is called. do you?

2nd design:
does anybody know how to make this or what it is called? i REALLY love how it weaves outside of the bracelet. PLEASE help! thank you!

RE: HELP! does anybody know how to make these or what these are called? by Besh 13 years ago

i don't think that the 1st one is handmade , but there's a bracelet kinda like the first pic , it's called ( BOX BRACELET )

the 2nd bracelet is (The Rope Wrap) or just (wrap)
this is the tutorial of it



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