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Generator Too Small! by Iavasloke 13 years ago

I have a beautiful rainbow pattern that I'd like to put on the site, but it has to be HUGE to get it to repeat! There are 4 strands of 9 colors and to repeat there must be at least 50 rows, probably more. I didn't care to count. The Generator says the pattern is too large. Is there a way we can either get the generator to accept more rows or allow it to make the pattern so it doesn't repeat? That way I could just put up enough of the pattern that you get the jist of it, because it's really easy to follow once you get the first few fading diamonds in and out. If not, I'd still love to share my pattern with you--I copied the screenshot of the pattern and I also have photos of real bands I've made in the pattern. I'll work on posting these elsewhere on the site.


RE: Generator Too Small! by allicatdancer 12 years ago

I have the same problem....


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