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RE: Making braacelets at school by foshisle 13 years ago

wow ur not allowed? during office aid i used tio make bracelets all the time. use tape

RE: Making braacelets at school by demivolleyball2 13 years ago

i use i tin can like what some candy like altoids come in and tape the end of the bracelet inside and close the lid and you could put like heavy book on top of it.

RE: Making braacelets at school by chikichimp123 13 years ago

i recon a safety pin is the best just leave it pined in ur bracelet when u cary it around and when u do ur bracelet pin it to ur trousers;)

RE: Making braacelets at school by superc 13 years ago

If you have a string box, you can clip it in there

RE: Making braacelets at school by foshisle 13 years ago

But u can't bring a huge string box to school

RE: Making braacelets at school by Killshotz 13 years ago

I tried alot of these and I got away with carring tape with me in my pocket and the bracelet in the other... plus I tried putting it under my math book but that didnt work well... I did the bracelet box (small one) and one teacher didnt care because it was a party and I didnt want to cook :P
So all these made since but I got busted -_-

RE: Making braacelets at school by chibi_ragnarok 13 years ago

Wow, can't use clipboards? I carry my artbox with me, and my teachers don't care as long as I'm paying attention. It's 13" x 9".
Hm...try sticking one end into a textbook and stacking more textbooks on top of it. You meant you put it under the math book, right? You didn't put it in between the pages?

RE: Making braacelets at school by braceletopia 13 years ago

Safety pins! Just hook them to the loop at the end of your bracelet and then through your pants! It's super easy and efficient. That's what I do with all my bracelets... http://braceletopia.storenvy.com

RE: Making braacelets at school by xdannigirl 13 years ago

seahorse: your teachers are even better than my history (student) teacher who lets us sit on the back counter, the floor, and on desks...we can even stand on the desks if we feel so inclined, as long as we aren't bothering other students. the look on my regular teacher's face when he walked in to see us like that (instead of in our regular seating plan) was priceless! :P

anyway, um...safety pin the bracelet to your pants, tape it to your desk or binder (or textbook if the pages/covers are sturdy), or use a binder clip on your open binder and just flip pages over it when the teacher walks by.

RE: Making braacelets at school by shnogles19 12 years ago

tie it to your binder ring....works for me :) haha


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