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Buckle help by Bassic 14 years ago

im not a newbie or anything but ive always started my bracelets with a knot or by taping them down...

with the larger bracelets its really confusing to start them and i was wondering if soemone could explain how to do the buckle when there isnt an even number of threads and/or when the same color threads dont go in the same position on both sides of the bracelet

thank you!

RE: Buckle help by stargirl13 14 years ago

I'm not sure about an idea when the threads are an uneven number but... for larger bracelets, I make a loop at the top just like with the small ones but only I make two of them and not tie them together. I safety pin them both to a pillow as close as I can get them and then they should end up being the same way as the smaller bracelets. If that makes any sense...
Maybe someone else can better explain it.

RE: Buckle help by Bassic 14 years ago



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