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When doing a Lark's Head knot... by Unbelieber 13 years ago

for the wave bracelet, how should you position the strings so the same colors are side by side? I just position them myself but was just wondering if there's an easier way.

RE: When doing a Lark's Head knot... by TRUExMYLO 13 years ago

Say we were doing 5 colours in this order: blue, green, purple, orange and pink, and our base strings will be gray. On your loop the strings would be:


RE: When doing a Lark's Head knot... by Unbelieber 13 years ago

Hmm lemme see if this makes more clear of what I mean: let's say I'm doing the rainbow, ROYGBV(yes I left the "I" out on purpose) and 2 brown base strings. I cut my strings and put them together in order and then fold them in half. When I make the knot, the colors aren't R,R,O,O,Y,Y,G,G,B,B,V,V,Br,Br like I want them to be. It comes out R,O,Y,G,B,V,R,O,Y,G,B,V,brown, brown. My question is is there a way to postion the string before I fold them to do a larks head so that the same colors are side by side?


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