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What do you guys do by stargirl13 14 years ago

with your bracelets when you are done with them?

Just wanted to start a friendly conversation. I make my BF be a guinea pig and wear them no matter how awful they look. IDK if he does it because he loves me or because he feels sorry for me and don't wanna hurt my feelings.

RE: What do you guys do by Nikkic 14 years ago

Hi Stargirl, ur bf is kind mine told me he wont wear them, so I have been making loads of different patterns and when I finish I put them into a bag lol... At the moment I have nothing to do with them (apart from wear them myself)

My daughter is 4 and likes them so sometimes I make a mini one for her :)

I have only just figured out how to do the patterns and before this I could only make pattern #1 and #2 ... I was taught how to make them at a summer camp when i was 12 (im 29 now) and dont think il ever grow out of it :-D!!!

RE: What do you guys do by stargirl13 14 years ago

Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been making them forever. (I'm 23.) He doesn't mind wearing them as long as I don't use "girl" colors. He's a gem. He likes how crafty I am, or so he says. He supports me in my bracelets and my scrapbooking and I support him in his painting. My little sister loves them (she's 8) so I make some for her too. I try to teach her to make the simple patterns (like the chinese ladder and candy stripe) for now.

RE: What do you guys do by Cathelijn 14 years ago

I keep them. Some of them I give away, but the most of them I keep in a box. Or I wear them. I love wearing friendship bracelets. They look so cool.

RE: What do you guys do by pinkfreak 14 years ago

i wear alot of them myself ,right now i have 9 on one wrist :) but they are all small ones (8 threads each) so they look pretty nice.
i do some for my besties as well
and recently i've been tryin to sell some
actually just the other day i sold my first 3 :]
*Very Proud*

RE: What do you guys do by Suri 14 years ago

I've been making them forever too (23 now, first learned back when I was 11 or something,) but only recently seem to have figured out all the complicated stuff. Now I just can't stop!
My boyfriend is something of a hippie so he quite happily wears the bracelets I make for him -- currently has one on a wrist and one on an ankle. ;)
Most of my social life/circles revolve around hippies and ravers, so plenty of my friends and general acquaintances are happy to make trades or something with me (some of them are wonderful artists, for example.) I'm making a whole bunch to trade and sell at a large music festival I'm attending this summer too. Been thinking of getting an Etsy account and trying to sell through there, even some online communities I'm a part of would probably love some custom bracelets.
Finally officially sold two custom bracelets, my boyfriend has twin cousins around the age of 9 and their grandmother commissioned me for their birthday. :)

RE: What do you guys do by stargirl13 14 years ago

Those are all wonderful things. =] I haven't been making the complicated ones long enough to master them to sell but that would be neat to do.

RE: What do you guys do by Tokio 14 years ago

Two words: Sell them.
I make huge profit and then I can buy more string. I also wear them or give them to friends. (My next project: The biohazard bracelet for a friend DX)

RE: What do you guys do by abadaza101 14 years ago

hey i always just put tthem on my wrist i joined only a month ago and i have 9 on my wrist plus like 10 more on my bulliten board. illl give them to my friends sometimes bot they never where them so ii think it is waste of time a nd string. when i was 6 i started with ccandystrip but i have only just found this website now that i am 12. i like the diamond patterns do you have any fun suggestions for one of those?

RE: What do you guys do by Acid 14 years ago

I've been making them for years now as well, i started when i was 13 and i'm now 26, i used to make them for friends and my brother and his friends would buy them for a pound when i was 14 etc. I mostly make them now to keep me busy and i find it quite relaxing too and satisfying when i've completed a complicated pattern.

I'm planning on making a bunch and possibly selling them at school fates etc but to be honest it's more a relaxation thing and another way to get the creative side out of me :) If i sell any it's more of a bonus rather than the reason for making them.


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