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How to take good photos by Weenie 14 years ago

I have trouble taking good pictures. I always have to crop them so small to make them the right size. Any tips? You can see my problem when you see my user image.

RE: How to take good photos by stargirl13 14 years ago

i crop them to the length of the bracelet or half, there's no need to show the rest of the bracelet unless you've done something fancy with the ties at the ends. and i use MS Paint to crop mine and it works just fine. Maybe it's your camera instead of your cropping?

RE: How to take good photos by Snoophammy 14 years ago

I just took some pictures, and I used my cannon
I set it to the close up setting (the little flower)
and i just left the zoom and went closer to my bracelets.
I have adobe PSE7, but usually anything can do.
I opened the image into my program, cropped the image so I only saw the bracelet.
Next, I zoomed out to a reasonable amount.
Then I clicked Print Screen on my keyboard.
THEN I opened Paint.
THEN THEN I pressed ctrl + v.
I used the area select tool to select the picture of the bracelet.
Then press ctrl + x.
Then crtl + n.
THEN ctrl + v.
After the image was pasted in, I moved canvas size to match with the picture's size by using the little blue squares.
Finally, I added my username and saved as a JPEG.

Then last but not least, I uploaded it into this website.

send me a PM on Heather's website
(My account there is also Snoophammy)

I just submitted my images, so you might not see them in the gallery yet.

RE: How to take good photos by carriebea 14 years ago

You could actually just save it as a png in photoshop and save yourself a bunch of time. PNG is always better quality than jpeg.
I think your main problem is lighting and macro setting on your camera though.

RE: How to take good photos by Snoophammy 14 years ago

you can only upload pictures on this site as jpeg

but thanks for the tip about PNG
Ill use it more often

Usually i would use it if i was dealing with small/pixel images

RE: How to take good photos by XcUiDi 13 years ago

Hi!. If you like to take better photos for upload here... you can use a black background color and non lighting background. Because the light backgrounds take up more disk space. When you save the photo... use JPEG format and middle quality. @carribea, this is your page (http://www.etsy.com/transaction/40929050)? How do you call those snaps??? I like them.

RE: How to take good photos by bkwrmi 13 years ago

From the photos I've seen on the site, it seems like the biggest problem is that they're out of focus. A lot of the time, it looks like someone held the bracelet up to their webcam and used that for the photo. That can work fine, but you have to have it at the right distance from the camera, because most won't focus on something that's really close up. It's better to hold the bracelet much farther back and then to crop the image afterwords.


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