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How many rows to make in alpha by BlargityBlar 13 years ago

I am making an alpha bracelet for someone, but i dont know how many rows i should make it in total. Her wrist is 6 inches or about 15 cm. I tie between tight knots and medium knots (probably more on the tight side...) I don't know if this is important, but it will be 13 threads thick. Thank you!

RE: How many rows to make in alpha by Carrie 13 years ago

If you make it with 2 inch ties for her to tie on, and want it to be 6 inches, I would make it 70 rows long.

RE: How many rows to make in alpha by go_blue16 13 years ago

I don't think the number of rows really matters. You just have to estimate and continue knotting until it 'looks right'. Like Carrie said, that would be 70 rows long, but it's a huge pain to actually count each row, and even if you try, it will be cumbersome and difficult(and you'll probably lose your place in no time)...so my best advice is to sort of estimate and predict as there really is no need to be exact...good luck!

RE: How many rows to make in alpha by FatnSassy 13 years ago

I have a ruler marked off on my clipboard in half inch increments. That way I can sort of guage how many rows per inch (or half inch) as I'm tying. If the pattern I choose is, say, 30-40 rows, I know that won't be long enough for the body of the bracelet. So I'll tie as many rows as it takes to make a half inch or so with the background color, count it out, and estimate from there how long the pattern itself will be as well as how much more background to add on both sides of the pattern.

RE: How many rows to make in alpha by Carrie 13 years ago

fatnsassy, you're just like me, clipboard and everything!

RE: How many rows to make in alpha by BlargityBlar 13 years ago

thank you all so much!

RE: How many rows to make in alpha by go_blue16 13 years ago

Omg, I hand drew my own ruler on the edge of my clipboard with permanent marker as well!

As they say, great minds think alike!



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