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quick question - tying by stargirl13 14 years ago

i have a quick question.. i may have figured out where i am goofing up on these bracelets..
i successfully made the vertical heart bracelet and i noticed that each time i made a knot, the string that i used to make the knot with, went to the direction the knot was made instead of back to its original position...

is this true for all the bracelets on here?

this is the only logically explaination as to why my bracelets arent working for me as i am.

i just always thought that the strings were kept in their original order but maybe, just maybe, that isn't true?

RE: quick question - tying by morgian_le_faye 14 years ago

I'm glad you figured out the issue you were having. Not all the patterns travel, but most do.

The string should go in the direction of the arrow. Therefore, if the arrow is pointing to the right, the string goes to the right. If the arrow points to the left, the string goes to the left. If the arrow bends, the string will go to it's original spot. Look at the bottom of whatever pattern you are working on; it will tell you what the arrows mean.

RE: quick question - tying by stargirl13 14 years ago

will i ever know which patterns do not travel?

i'm so glad that i figured it out! maybe this will make it easier for me to do all these wonderful patterns that i love!

i guess it just took me a while, this is probably the question that i was asking everyone all along but did not know how to word it so i'd get the right answer lol. dummy me.

RE: quick question - tying by stargirl13 14 years ago

for some reason, i just tried to make pattern 158 and when i did the knots like i said, for example..
i did the forward-knot with the 1st two strings and the first string went to the left of the 2nd string... and when i continue to do this with the way they are supposed to go, my pattern comes up messed up
what am i doing wrong... again?

RE: quick question - tying by meghan04 14 years ago

When you do a forward not the 1st string ends up on the right and the right string on the left. If you go to this page: https://www.friendship-bracelets.net/learn.php and go to step two, it wil show you which directions the strings should go for each type of knot. Hope that helps!! xx


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