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Printed Pattern sheets by go_blue16 13 years ago

I just wanted to ask, how do you guys keep your printed pattern sheets organized? I keep mine in a folder, but it's a little too messy and unorganized for my taste because they all tend to be different sizes and shapes, so it's all jumbled up =( and also, the folder pockets don't keep the papers in place, so they're always sliding and slipping out....

I was looking for some inspiration on how exactly should I go about organizing the patterns so it is easier and faster for me to find a pattern sheet out of the mess I've made, lol =)

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by bella10 13 years ago

Okay so I keep my patterns in a binder, and I use seperaters to help organize patterns (Like my favorite ones, alpha ones, normal ones, ones that I made) Binders are usually helpful because all the pages stay in place. If the paper gets ripped out, then you might want to use a protection sheet to slip the paper in. I hope this helps :)

Ive tried folderes before. They're horrible!

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Scout 13 years ago

Personally, I'm not a very organized person, but I find that, depending on the amount of patterns, a paper clip will suffice. From there, you could use coloured sheets to divide it. However, you could easilly use multiple folders and just keep them together. That way, with just 3 folders, you could have 6 different sections; one side on each folder.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

I use a 3" binder and sheet protectors to store my printed patterns. I used tab dividers to create different sections to classify my printed copies. Like I have separate sections for stripes, blocks, diamonds, celtic, zig zags, double chevrons, hearts, ets. I even have separate sections for alphas, tutorials, and kumihimo patterns. At first I tried to keep a pattern list and arrange my patterns in numerical order, but I quickly realized that wasn't practical at all. When I look for a pattern now, I can find what I'm looking for much more easily. It takes a little time to set it up, but it saves a lot of time in the long run...

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Also, when I print a pattern, I write on the sheet how many threads, colors, and difficulty level (my own difficulty scale, of course ;) ) so that I can see what I'm dealing with at a glance rather than having to count threads and colors on every new pattern I'm thinking of trying...

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Carrie 13 years ago

I keep track of how many inches for each bracelet on the back of the patterns :)

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Mazzy 13 years ago

I write mine all down in a book. If I cant be bothered to draw them out, I colour in the inside of an envelope (the ones with the hexagon pattern on the inside) and stick it in. I put alpha patterns in the back and normal patterns in the front.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

@Carrie...GREAT idea! Might just have to steal that one... :) Are you talking about measuring the completed bracelet or just the section of the pattern before it repeats?

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Carrie 13 years ago

Completed bracelet. I mark how long it is as well, and if i used ties.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Rissa 13 years ago

I never print out patterns, it would be a waste of ink and be really, really heavy and impractical for me.
I've got more than 1300 patterns saved on my pc, these are not even taking up 50 MB of space.

But I've named all patterns first by number of strings, then creator/website, then name or number so that I can find a certain pattern rather easily. With that many patterns I am planning to add a fourth part soon, for the number of colors. This means pattern #12077 would soon be named 12-03-Steffe12077.
This method can of course be used for printed out patterns, too. In the front put all patterns with some few strings, in the back the ones with many, and if you have some with the same number of strings sort by how many colors are needed.


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