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RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Carrie 13 years ago

That kind of restricts you to making bracelets at the computer though, doesn't it?

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

I first save all the patterns I like on my computer, too, in categories as I described earlier. I don't actually print them until I plan to make them. I do have quite a few printed that I haven't made, simply because I was gonna make them and changed my mind before I started. :) But I have to print them out because 1) I share my computer with my husband and 2) I carry my projects to work and knot while on lunch and during breaks.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Rissa 13 years ago

I'm restricted to start my patterns in front of my computer, that's true.
But the majority of the 1300+ patterns are repeating ones, and I'm good at memorizing the pattern once I've made the first repetition.
This means that I normally just knot in front of the pc for up to half an hour, depending on how complicated the pattern is, then I can finish it everywhere I want to.

The few patterns I have that are more complicated or not repeating I knot in front of the pc from start to end, but I normally make long breaks and don't finish them in one turn.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

@Rissa...I'd love to be able to do that, but unfortunately, I do well to go shopping with a list and make it home with everything on it! So trying to memorize a pattern (even a simple one) is pretty much out of the question for me personally! But I've only been knotting for about 3 months now, and a lot of my work when knotting a bracelet consists of picking out knots that I made with the wrong color :)

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Rissa 13 years ago

That's absolutely understandable!
I learned knotting the basic candystripe and chevron 17 years ago and got my first book half a year later.

I'm also a very forgetful person, don't start about shopping without a list. But when I've already repeated the pattern once I can always look at the already finished part of the bracelet. This is nearly as good as the picture of the pattern itself, just without arrows and bottom strings, and you can train "reading" your finished bracelet.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Yep, I'm kinda learning how to read what's already done...at least I'm STARTING to see how it all goes together. I think I just started this thing too late in life (I'm scaring 40 to death :P) but it gives me something to do that I really REALLY enjoy. My husband has watching football and hunting...I have making bracelets!

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by lostflight2 13 years ago

I print them out on index cards and I bought an index card organizer at Staples. I just carry the one I'm working on with me and then keep the others in the organizer. You can even print out one on each side of the cards.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by FatnSassy 13 years ago

Now THAT'S an idea! More compact and more economical, because you'd definitely use less ink for printing! Hmmmm...might have to give up the binder now...

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by Carrie 13 years ago

I print mine on index cards as well! Or, at least I did until I got really sick of having to cut them perfectly and tape them together just so. I print 4 to a page on a piece of cardstock, and I'm looking to get one of those recollection boxes at michaels. It has 18 divider tabs in it already, so I can organize them by the number of strings.

RE: Printed Pattern sheets by go_blue16 13 years ago

oh my god. an overflow of ideas, each one as appealing as the other. which method am i supposed to choose????

lol =)

thanks so much guys for all the suggestions!


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